Friday, December 31, 2010

Hey ! It's New Year 2011 !

Hey guys ! Happy new year 2011 !
Have a blast !

Having a great time with Angeline Han, Mellisa Oktrina, Eliyandi Chia, Irfan Wijaya, and Joysi Ng.
We were going to Marina Bay floating Bay to celebrate our New year eve.
We were having a great time, although there were a lot of gays in front of us. Peace gays! :D :D :D
The fireworks was really really really really really nice and romantic, how I wish that someone i love is here for me ! <3<3

After that we were walking home and shit, it was very crowded ! and a lot of mangesh + beer smell. wuekkkkkkk :P But there's an Singaporean and foreigners were very funny and talking about some BITCH Police.

After walking for about 45 minutes, everyone is damn tired and sleepy.
and everyone is like glum like shit ! :D
Now currently i think i'm a little bit drunk, a bit dizzy because of drinking half bottle of Q Raspberry. hahahahaha :D

I'm out guysss. Happy New Year 2011

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

29/12/2010 Poor Christya

My supey dupey cutie Christya cried before me just now.
oh shit, i feel miserable when i see her cry.
I'm so sorry that i can't do anything for you Christya.
Don't be sad anymore. you still have me :)
Just remember that you still have me, okay ?
Just treat today as you life experience of meeting different of people.
I hope that you get better with them.


27/12/2010 Start of Class

I'm in a class with CHRISTYA GUNAWANNNNNNN !  :* :* :*
I'm so so so so so so so HAPPY at last i can get rid of those shit China classmates. hohohoho :) :)

This term, i'm studying about Front office by Dave Tan, Tourism systems by Darren Tan and F&B by Steven Choo. and i found that i hate Dave tan's class. and always feel sleepy for that. hooooammm.
I hope that this term will go smoothly :)

26/12/2010 Overnight stay

An overnight stay in My lovely chengciaa's house.
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! I'm very happy to be doing this whole day with you guys.
Watch movie, eating, sharing, chitchat, swimming and sleeping.

It's been a long time that i don't go out with you guys since i was very busy in my choir and study.
I'm so sorry my bitches. But from now on, i'm all yours ! hahahahaha :D

Still waiting for another trip my bitches :* :* :*

25/12/2010 Xmas and Christya's Bday party

Yeahhh ! It's christmas and my supey dupey Christya bday !
We really had a great time in Holiday inn for our choir and Abang's house.
We cook, we play, we chat, we eat, we drink till people get drunk, watch horror movie and a sleepless night.
I really don't know how i show my le to you guys.
and indeed I love you guys ! You colour up my Univ life. i've never thought that i'll have bunch of crazy friends like you guys.

Love ya lot, Indonesia Mafia ! :*

Thursday, December 23, 2010

24/12/2010 3.13Am

Lot of things happen recently and i cannot even remember each of them.
But for sure, i am very busy about exam and choir.
so sorry my friends that i cannot be there with you guys in Batam. i really wish to go back.

I miss Megawati Tan. Really ! :(
I am praying everyday since you say you want to come to sgp to find us. i pray everyday.
I miss when we chitchat till morning talking about what happened and gosip about our surrounding.
I miss when you cry in front of me when you are in trouble or stress.
i know we have our own univ life, and i wish that we can study together like we did in hih school before :(
Ireally miss you, Mga.
Hope to see you soon :************

Friday, November 26, 2010


These few weeks is damn not my week.
I was dissapointed for twice with my  classmate.
They are really2 sucks man !
I dont like them. Although we were in a same class for 5 months, but they dont treat me like friends.
talkin behind my back. and for sure i understand what they have said about me.
Fuck off man, you guys really pissed me off ! They can even make me cry. and ofcourse noone see it !
And for these weeks, i was busy doing my project, and presentation.
not bad for my presentation, i got 90 over 100 for POM, and 27.15% out of 30%.

For this sunday, i'm going to move to amk. got alot of things to bring there, but i'm ready :)
Going to upload my new room's picture as soon as possible.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm a bad girl who slut at people who dont know me WELL.
I'm a good girl who smile to everyone who dont know me AT ALL !

Curhat session.

Alot of things happened recently.
and what i can say is that.

PLEASE KNOW ME ! if you dont know me, dont make me feel "ewwwww" to you.
Dont jump to a wrong conclusion on your own. KNOW ME PLEASEEE !
Dont ever and ever make me feel "hate". Once u do that, you are in trouble !

Monday, November 8, 2010

Re : Cheers, my precious friend !

That's why i love my chengciaaa alot. She knows me deep well. :)
She knows what i'm feeling inside although i pretending to be happy, but deep down, i was thinking of him.

And now is my turn. ehemmm.. *seekingforrevenge* :D :D
Everytime, i read your blog, when you were talking about him, i know you still MISS him alot.
and know what, i know you are sad when you see his and his ex' photo. this photo prove that he's not yours anymore, chengciaaa. try to forget him, and find another guy who is better than him !

Both of us need to GAMBATTE to forget the guy behind us ! WE HAVE TO :)

Love ya chengciaaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Re : #novemberwish by The Sweet Escape :)

Hmm, after reading Angeline Han's Blog, i am thinking about posting the same title with her. :D
Sorry chengciaa. i'm not Copycat yours ! hihihihihii..

My november wishes are :
  1. Success for my CA2 ! and ofcourse i'm working hard on it.
  2. Be in 24 finalist for EASB idol.
  3. Done with my marketing assignment
  4. Better relationship with classmates.
  5. Lose weight for 5 more kgs. (gambatte chengciaa ! gw juga brusaha nihh :P )
  6. Have a better month than October.

:) :) :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bukan buat gw untuk sementara ini.

Yeahhhh.. Judul ini buat gw pengen ketawa.
Berawal jalinan hubungan temen deket baru antara gw dan seorang cwo.
Singkat cerita, waktu itu kami nelponan cukup lama, dan gw "kegatelan" banget nanyain pertanyaan gt ke dia.

D : eh, lu tuh protektif ga ma cwe lu ?
C : iya. protektif
D : wahh, lu bolehin ga kalo cwe lu kluar ma temen2nya tap dijemput ma cwo?
C : ngga donk..
D : (dalam hati mikir, mati, bukan tipe gw banget nihh) ohhh.. trus cwe lu tuh cemburuan ga ?
C : bangetttt..
D : (dalam hati, gw juga bukan tipe lu bangett, soalny gw ga cemburuan banget) kalo gw dulu, gw orangnya ga cemburuan, trus mantan gw juga ga protektif banget ma gw. mau kluar ma cwo juga gpp. gw juga ga peduli cwo gw mau klaur ma cwe atau gmn gt.
C : wahh, gw ga ngeharap dapet cwe kyk lu def..
D : (hati tenang)

Hari ini, malam ini juga, ga tau gwnya keGRan atau gmn. dia mengatakan sesuatu yang menurut gw dia lagi nyatain cinta dia ke gw.
"dan gw ga pernah pengen kmu nemenin gw sebagai temen"
"moga ajah gw ga salah sayang ma kmu def"

Pkiran gw : maksud lu apa yaa ? mau gw jawab apa gw juga bingungg.. parah dehh..

P.S : Blog ini tidak menjadi bahan ledekan, ataupun ejekan ! Sekian dan terimakasihh

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jefry Ky

Kesabaran orang itu ada batasnya.
Dan judul ini kesabarannya tiada batas.
slama ini dia kami bully, kami marah2, kami ejek2.. dia ga pernah marah sedikitpun sama kami.
dan akhir2 ini ada yang berubah tentang dia.

Dia mulai jauh sama kita2, ga mau kluar bareng ama kita2.
Genk kami tuh suka banget ngerjain orang, suka banget ketawain ga jelas.
Nah dan selalu age yang jadi sasaran.
mgkn dia udah ga tahan karna dimainin mulu ma kmi, dan pastinya kami merasa dia brubah.
burbah tidak menjadi lbh baik, tetapi berubah mulai jauh dengan kita2..
dan suatu malam, gw chat ma dia.

D : ge, ada yang  mau gw omongin. lu sibuk ga ?
J : ngga def, mau ngomong apa ?
D : kami merasa lu brubah.
J : ohya ? si M juga ngerasa gw jadi aneh
D : iya yaa ? trus lu sendiri merasa ?
J : ngga kok, gw ga brubah
D : trus lu kok jauhin kami ? kyk ga mau kluar lagi ma kita.
J : ga kok def.
D : *motongpembicaraan* lu udah kyk ga mau temen lama kalo udah ketemu temen baru. bukan cuma gw aja yang ngerasa gt. gw ga tau knp lu bisa tiba2 kyk gt. Kalo emang lu udah ga tahan karna kami gangguin mulu, lu bilang. lu juga tau dari awal2 temen2 lu ini sukanya bercandaan. main2, ngejek2, marah2in lu gaje gt. kami tuh sebenarnya care ma lu, kami tuh bercanda doank. suka marah2 kalo lu repotin minta jemput atau gmn. marah2 tapi ujung2nya dijemput atau pasti dilakuin kan apa yang lu mau.
J : gw juga udah biasa kok def. gw care jg kok ma kalian
D : lu jangan blang lu udah biasa. mana tau emosi lu kluar, trus lu marah
J : ga kok def, gw ga knp2. gw tuh bukan ga mau kluar ma kalian, tapi cc gw tuh udah agak kesel kalo gw kluar mulu. soalnya gw boros kalo kluar.
D : waktu sabtu malam gw nginap di rumah mike, otomatis bsoknya kami pasti ada kluar lagi. gw taruhan sama si H kalo lu bakal sms ga ke kta nanyain dmn. dan gw bilang ngga, dan si H juga bilang ngga. padahal waktu itu gw harapin banget kalo lo smsin, brarti lu masih punya hati ma kita2. eh, tau2nya lu beneran ga sms. gila, sakit hati banget gw waktu itu.
J : itu minggu gw lagi ngerjain tugas gw def,jadi gw ga cari kalian.
D : setidaknya lu sms kasi tau gt, kalo lo ga bisa kluar atau gmn gt.

Kira2 gt deh intinya. pas gw chat tu gw sakit hati banget. pengen nangis gw.
Tapi, kalo kyk gini, misunderstandingnya udah kelar smua, udah lurus smua.
dan setelah kejadian itu, kami suka ngerjain si judul..
"kalian jangan ejek2 dia lah, dia dah brubah lo, tar dia jauhin baru tau rasa lo"
dan dia ENJOY AJA.


Pupus sudah harapan - Angel Zhang

Akhir2 ini gw punya ide gila banget.
Mau dapet scholarship di skolah.
Dan yang pastinya gw harus rajin blajar dan jaga behaviour gw.
tapi, ada sesuatu yang terjadi.
Awalnya gw yakinin banget diri gw kalo gw bakal bisa dapet scholarship, antara DHT 1 ma DHT 2.
KIRANYA dari seangkatan gt diambil top 5. Yah kira2 5 out of 100 deh.
Ternyata setelah denger dari si Angel Zhang, scholarship bukan buat seangkatan doank..
Tapi satu kampus. jadi istilahnya Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
Q1 ada 2 kelas, dan setiap kelas itu approx. ada 45 orang.

Brarti rumusnya begini : 4 * 2 * 45 = 360 orang

Dan ternyata lbh parah lagi, gw denger ini bukan hanya di kampus gw doank. kampus gw tuh QMU. nah dan di EASB ada 2 kampus yang termasuk terkenal, satu lagi UWIC.
nah, ternyata yang mau dapet scholarship itu harus kompetisi juga sama anak2 UWIC.

Jadi, skarang rumus barunya 4 * 2 * 45 = 360 * 2 = 720 orang

gw harus jadi top 5 out of 720 orang..
kakak klas gw, fransiska aja ga bisa dapet. term 1 year 1, 4 A+, 2 A
ga bisa dapet. kata si Angel Zhang "Pupus sudah Harapan"

:D :D

Continous Assesment

Sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihindar itu adalah CA di skolah gw yang diadain slama 2 minggu sekali.
Horrible banget dehh ! itu ujiannya 3 hari berturut2 lagi..
Coba dikasi luang waktu buat blajar atau gmn gt..

Jadwal blajr gw waktu CA1.
Accounting : semalam sebelum ujian, hafal rumus dan review slama 2 jam.
POM           : Smalam sebelum review, bsok paginy jam 10an ke library skolah. ampe jam 12
Marketing   : karena choir ampe malam banget, dan hanya sempat blajar di library skolah jam 10an, ampe jam 12.

Dan hasilnya :

Accounting : 20 out of 20 Excellent
Marketing   : 16 out of 20 Sad !
POM           : Unknown.

Sedihh banget gara2 nilai marketing gw kurang bagus. Walaupun pass, cuma gw tetep aja ga puas banget dengan apa yang udah gw raih. harus brusaha lagi bua CA2 !
Cayoo deph :)

Geylang's trip

This place makes people think about one thing.
PROSTITUTION. Yes, that's true.

Yup, dan sebenarnya tujuan kami kesitu itu buat liat "ayam2 berspatu".
Begini ceritanyaa.
Nyampe di Geylang kami langsung menuju Lorong 8, dan sejalur itu banyak banget CWOK yg nyari MANGSA. Gw seorang cwe doank yang ngikuti para2 cwo, dan melewati jalur pertama.
Jalur pertama itu cwe cina smua. gile badan mreka, sexy2 montok2 lgi.. gw yang jadi cwe aj bisa terpesona gt. apalagi para cwo2 ya.. Udah s*ngek tuh pasti. :D :D :D
Jalur kedua itu cwe dr India. dan pastinya cwo2 yang jalan disitu2 itu cwo india juga.
Dan yang terakhr jalur ketiga, cwe dari INDO. ya ollohh, itu mbak2 pake baju lengan panjang, trus Hotpants doank. di tempat2 yang gelap lagi berdirinya..
selama gw jalan itu, gw diliatin mulu sama cwo2 disitu. soalnya gw make tanktop dan terusan clana pendek.
Dan setelah melewati 3 jalur itu, kami sepakat buat jalan balik ke tempat cwe cina itu. dan salah satu temen gw, nanya harga cwe berpakai mini dress pink. Tanpa ada gw pastinya.

Friend : how much ?
Lonte : 100$
Friend : a night ?
Lonte : *matanya jadigede* hahh ? only 30 mnts.
Friend : Ohh, no thanks.

gw nungguin mreka disalahsatu pagar itu bersama temen cwo gw yang lain, dan sisanya datang dan Gw dikelilingi mreka buat berdiskusi selanjutnya. dan ternyata ada segrombolan cwo muda (kira2 20an) lewat didepan gw, dan melirik gw dengan istlah gw tuh placur. -_____-
gw jadi takut banget, untung temen2 gw itu tau diri dan langsung bawa gw kluar dr tempat tu.

Dan karna itu udah jam 12 malem, dan kami ga ada bus pulang, akhirnya naik taxi dan gw menginap disalah satu rumah temen gw

Pengalaman asyik buat gw !

:D :D :D :D

Monday, October 11, 2010

For Megawati Tan, Angeline Han, Hervy Tan

I hope you guys read this. I miss ya guys loadssss :( :( :( :(

"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

[Repeat 1]

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

How are you guys ?

Should i believe ?

Aries-Taurus should learn to sit back and watch sometimes so they don't overwhelm others. It is difficult for them to sit back and watch others do tasks when they know they can do it better. If they can keep the feelings of others in mind, they will fare well.

They enjoy challenges of all kinds, whether it is in business, sports or intellectual areas. They play as hard as they work. They are known to be flirtatious, bold, opinionated, strong, quiet, talented, sensitive, humorous, money-oriented, eloquent, dependable, practical, patient, aggressive, helpful, aloof, stubborn, jealous, moody, fickle, over-sensitive, quarrelsome and changeable. Quite a handful, aren't they?

The Aries-Taurus Cusp is also known as the Cusp of Power. You can probably see why when they have so much going for them. They have the amazing ability to get into a project and really run with it all the way to its conclusion.

They enjoy doing things for their family and friends, but it is easy to let this get out of hand. They prefer to follow their own instincts rather than follow the rules. This can cause trouble if they are not cautious. They may think they know it all, but they'll get along better if they don't act like it. While plans that go awry make them really annoyed, when they use a practical bent to their tasks, it generally works out better.

Those born on the Aries-Taurus cusp may be mechanically inclined, with the ability to stick with the job long enough to figure out any problems that arise.

Should i believe ? it's random me ! -___-
if i dont believe, but the Taurus is similiar or almost the same to me.
But i've never believe in Zodiac before.
How ?


1. Weak
2. Cry-Baby
3. Lazy
4. Stupid
5. Patient
6. Passionate bout new things
7. Active
8. Ready when someone needs care
9. Consider as good Listener
10. But always keep problems when it occurs
11. Like to make friends
12. A good actor
13. Like when someone come and care

If you guys can find out whose this personalities refers to, you will get a prize from me :)
Come on Guess Guess !! Post your answer through comment :)


Alasan gw nulis judul ini.
Gw ga merasa ada temen didalam class. Mreka cuma sebatas CLASSMATE. Pengen ganti kelas ke kelasnya yayaa. kyknya lbh asik.

Gw ga tau apa yang terjadi dikelas gw, ntah gw yang terlalu pinter atau mreka yang begok banget -___- sorry ga sombong. masa class reps ms.excel aja ga bisa. kalo di YosSudarso dulu SD aja udah bisa. Mreka selalu mau menang sendiri(tapi ga bisa) dan iya, sangat EGOIS. Mreka suka banget ngomongin orang. biasa aja deh jadi orang, males banget gw hadapi mreka2 gt.
mreka tidak berusaha buat ngomong inggris dikelas. gmn mau improve kalo ngomongnya mandarin mulu. SEBEL, SEBEL !

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Choir !

That's so much fun in Choir club! Although i am a new member and still not familiar with those members.
I'm not even regretting for joining this club. I get lotsa of friends in the club. Especially Christya Gunawan who i call her as Yayaa :)
She's friendly, and great ! <3 her so :) :)
For me, getting friends in Singapore especially from the same country is GREAT !
We can share what we were doing when we were in our each city, our high school, our friends.

'Cherish time when we are in Univ life'
this is what my broth and sis told me. and YES, I'm enjoying.


Monday, October 4, 2010

First day in Diploma courses

Ternyata classmate gw sama lagii. Ga ada orang indo lagi dehh.
Smuanya chinese. Bertahan lah deffia ! You can do it ! :) :)
Jadwal kuliah gw mengecewakan.
Gw kira gw bakal dapet class pagi. Ehhhh, ternyata gw dapat siang, bahkan ampe sore. Cape dehh.
Begini jadwal kuliah gw :
Monday : 4pm - 6pm lecture Accounting in HT
Tuesday: 1pm - 3pm lecture PO management
4pm - 6pm lecture Marketing HT
Wednesday : 1pm- 4pm tutorial Accounting
Thursday : 1pm - 4pm tutorial PO Management
Friday : 1pm - 4pm tutorial Marketing HT

Is it horrible ? Bisa mati gw.
Trus tadi dapet info kalo week 3 udah ada CA, istilahnya uts gt deh. Parah banget. Skarang aja udah week 1. Tinggal 3 pertemuan lagi CA. Wish me luck dehh.

Pengalaman hari pertama :
1. Ms. Laura itu lecturer accounting gw, inggrisnya keren, aksennya american banget.
Gw ga sombong sih. Setidaknya gw ngerti smua yg dijelasin ma dia. Dan dia cantikk.Dia kuliah di US dan sepertinya dapat gelar Master. No wonder dia bs jadi lecturer.
2. Accounting pake inggris susah banget. Ampe pusing gw ngikutinnya tadi. Trial balance, balance sheet, liabilities, account payable, account recieveable. Bingung ? Itu smua cuma arti dr persamaan akun, neraca, beban, utang, piutang. Dll deh.
3. Gw masi blom punya temen yg bener2 temen kcuali orang2 indo itu. Parah dehh.

Gt deh pengalaman gw di hari pertama. :D

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey ! It's October

I keep reminding myself about This is a new month, new experiencing life.
I would like to take what happened in September is one of my precious experience, and start October in great feeling.
I hope, i can get rid all of the problems that will happen in October.
and last, God Bless us whenever wherever we are !

Hey, It's October ! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Goals :)

After a conversation in Empire State that day.
i found that i am keen to be a STEWARDESS.
I don't think this is a impulse decision.
Now, i'm taking Hospitality and Tourism management as my major.
so being a stewardess is relating to my major. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The first thing that i have to do to achieve my goal is : DIET !
My target : reach 55 kgs in this DECEMBER, and 52 kgs in March 2010 !
support me guys ! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

Megawati Tan

Kangen sumpah ma cwe yang jadi judul blog ini !
Dia sibuk banget dengan urusan kuliahnyaa..
Jaga kesehatan baik2 ya sayangg..
I miss you hereee
:* :* :* :* :* :*

Stop pointing your finger on me !

Sorry mom ! but i really don't like it !
That's annoyed me !

Sunday, August 29, 2010


gw ngerasa bersalah atas smuanya.
gw orang yang ga bisa di press banget. sorry kalo gw udah ngomong smua ini.
gw emang salah ngomong ini smua. tidak seharusnya gw ngomong ini smua.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

TooMany !

Yeah, what do i mean by too many ?

Too many people, Too much talk, too many FACES !
i don't even know the guys in my house. They are un-recognize-able.
Too many faces among those guys. i don't even know whether they are good or bad.
It's confusing me. and sometimes i prefer not to go home, and stay outside till late.

Maybe this is another step of my life. God wants me to study how to face a lot of different people out there. I'm sure that i can do it ! :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A nice weekend with my beloved chengciaa :)

We meet once a week.. There's a lot of things that we want to talk about.
And we shared. yes we SHARED.
When everyone said bestfriends is not always believeable, but i'm sure that my bestfriends are UNBELIEVEABLE. Why ? Because they know what are we thinking and what they should do !

We went to MarinaBay Sands for Jewel Exhibition, play golf in Marina bay golf court, catch movie in jurongpoint, and last we hv dinner at LongJohn. A very short saturday. And will continue it tomorrow !

See you bloggie :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a REALLY new life

Akhirnya gw mulai juga hari2 gw di sgp..
Yah, a bit strange. masi belum terbiasa sama smua ini..
But i'm adaptable :)

Kegiatan gw sehari2 :
1. Waking-up at 7.45am
2. Morning class from 9.00am-12.00pm
3. Hving lunch
4. Go home --> doing household chores, watching movie, online-ing
5. Taking nap
6. Going out ( if someone asked)
7. Doing homework, reciting the business vocabulary
8. Sleep

My experiences :
1. Cuci baju sendiri (perdana coyy)
2. Foundation lbh berat drpada SMA ! Styp hari ada tugas (ETEDP, reading, Tapescript, Test business Vocab, Speaking)
3. Kenal 1 temen baru--> Luxin, she's cute :)
4. I'm the onlyone indonesian student in Classroom, the others are Chinese
5. Gw boong ma mreka smua kalo gw ga bisa Mandarin. cuma sedikit doank yang basic2.. Alasan gw boonk : gw mau improve-in inggrisku dan ga mau mreka berbahasa mandarin denganku ! Reasonable right ? :D

Friday, July 16, 2010

Farewell guys

yah, walaupun gw pura2 ga ngerasain apa2, dan sbenarnya gw sedih banget..
waktu gw turun dari mobil setelah perpisahan, hati gw berat banget mau ngomong bye sama kalian.. walaupun kita bakal ketemu lagi sabtu ini..
tapi tetep aja rasanya beda.. pada dah pisah kota.. dan gw ma ngel duluan berpindah negara.
mga ke bandung, hendyyap budi ke jakarta, hervy tetep ada diBatam.

mga : jaga diri baik2 ya meg.. yang paling gw khawatirin itu elu.. lu yang manja kyk anak kecil, lu yang ga bsa apa2.. kalo apa2 ingat cerita yaa..
lu tau gw bukan orang yg bisa ngatain ini smua langsung..

hendyyap : try to be a better man ! i know you can do it, hao ! jgn jadi huangkia yaa disitu ! :P
budi : catch your own dream.

hervy : hey bigsis ! smoga yudhi bener2 pilihan hatimu yang terakhir ! kalo ada apa2 ingat cerita yaa.. :)

gw sayang kalian smua..

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baru ! :)

Laptop baruku udah tiba di Batam :)
Ternyata bukan yang gw kira itu.. haha :D
but at least aspects nya lbh bagus dari yg sebelumnya dan justru lbh murah..
thx bro udah bantuin gw angkatin laptop capek2 dari singapur. hehehe..
it makes me excited :)


Punya rencana tidak memberi kabar kapan saya akan pergi ke sg kcuali kluargaku.
Maaf ya temen2.. Gw ga mau terjadi ada yg sedih2 gituu. Sorry banget.. hehee.
Singapur dekat kok.. hehehe.. Sebenarnya sih pengen pergi secepatnya, too much memories here, and i'm ready for new life in singapore. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Worldcup's night !

Almost everyone in the world concern about this event including my mum ! !
Helloo mama, it's time to sleep ! hahaha :D
Go South Africa ! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New spirit !

Actually, i dont know what i want to write :)
too much things that i want to share with you guys
this blog is talking about another side of me. A cheerful side of me
I will try to update my blog everyday..